Ed Benziger, Scarlet, Shanna Pickwick and Cocoa
BenzWick Acres is nestled in New York's upper Hudson valley in the small town of Stuyvesant. The history of Stuyvesant runs as deep as the mighty Hudson river that flows nearby. Industries such as brick making, ice harvesting, mills and of course, farming have forged the town's history.
BenzWick Acres, owned and operated by Shanna Pickwick and Ed Benziger, emerged from the love of farming and the desire to make small acreage profitable. With 29 years of experience in the dairy industry and organic vegetable production we have assembled our herd of genetically diverse registered miniature Herefords with the goal of bringing this highly efficient breed to the northeast. Our herd's outstanding genetic background comes from high quality registered stock from Nebraska, Illinois, Ohio, and South Carolina; a herd with great potential whether it be for breeding stock, the show ring or someone with the desire to raise their own beef on small acreage.
While miniature Herefords are friendly and docile by nature, we handle all the animals regularly to ensure manageability and increase each animal's potential. Brushing and halter training begin shortly after birth and individual attention is given to each animal daily.
We hope you'll take a closer look at these quality animals on "The Herd" page and what we have to offer in our "Sale Barn".